The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and, thus, investors face increased risks when trying to make profits. Trading automation may allow you to benefit from the market volatility 24/7 by maximizing the returns your trading strategies bring. Sounds quite attractive, doesn’t it? But it is now a reality.
Bitsgap, the leading all-in-one trading platform, offers exciting tournament and new opportunities for our members. You can test trading and managing cryptocurrencies on various exchanges in a single interface for free. In turn, Hacken will award the most active traders with a special prize — Free Advanced monthly plan.
So, why not try to test the trading functionality provided by the leading industry player trusted by market leaders?
Hacken CEO Dyma Budorin said: “Hacken philosophy is to simplify the trading experience of our community so that you can proudly say that you are a member of the user-centred ecosystem. We do our best to create the conditions under which you can get new trading skills and test innovative trading tools. And I am sure that we are moving in the right direction!”
Tournament Details
The challenge start date: April 29, 9 am (UTC)
The challenge duration: 14 days after the start (till May 13, 9 am (UTC)).
The winners will be announced within 5 business days after the tournament end.
What to do:
- Sign up for a free 14-day trial on Bitsgap by following the link*;
*Please be informed that only the users who sign up using the provided link are eligible to win prizes
- Start trading bots**;
**As of now, HAI is listed on KuCoin,, Oceanex, MXC, EXMO, Bithumb Global, and Bitrue.
- Upon the end of the 14-day period, 30 community members with the biggest trading volume will get a Free Advanced monthly plan.
Learn how to start running efficient trading strategies on Bitsgap with Hacken:
- Watch a short introduction video (14 min) on youtube channel.
- You are also invited to a live Webcast to learn more about automated trading. The webcast will become live on Youtube on 29th April, 4 P.M. UTC.
Hacken team is actively working on preparing new great activities for our community! Keep a close eye on our announcements.
About Bitsgap
Bitsgap is a cloud-based all-in-one crypto trading solution that allows users to manage multiple trading accounts at once. Launched in February 2018, the project is integrated with nearly 30 crypto exchanges via API.
This means users can monitor their entire portfolio across all connected exchanges, and trade more than 10,000 cryptocurrency pairs using a single dashboard, instead of logging in to each exchange individually.
The platform also comes with a demo mode, where trading tasks can be simulated, without any involvement of traders’ funds.