HAPI & DDOS Farming will start on April 16

4 min readApr 6, 2021

We are excited to announce the long-awaited farming for HAPI as well as DDOS tokens in the HackenAI App. You will be able to farm both tokens starting from April 16, right after the disBalancer IDO.

What is Farming and how does it work?

Farming allows you to make more crypto with your HAI tokens. The farming option will be valid for 3 years for each project launched within the Hacken Foundation. Farming gives additional utility to HAI tokens as well as promotes the Hacken Ecosystem growth and development of new products for the community.

You can start Farming new tokens by staking your HAI on the farming smart contract in the special section of the HackenAI App. The web version of Farming will become available on the official Hacken Foundation website later. Check our announcements!

How does Farming work?

The farming process starts as soon as you stake your HAI on the farming smart contract. Since Farming operates on the smart contract, the new farmed tokens are calculated for every block (approximately 10 seconds). Tokens are credited to your similar ETH address once a month. We are also going to enable claiming tokens on demand. You will see the next payout date in the farming section of the HackenAI App.

Unlike Hacken Club Membership, Farming is not limited in time. You will be able to stake or unstake any amount of HAI every 24 hours. Only the VeChain network transaction fee will be applied.

Hacken Club Membership and Farming Boosters

All Hacken Club Level 1–3 members will receive farming boosters:

  • Level 1: 1,05X
  • Level 2: 1,2X
  • Level 3: 2X

Farming boosters allow you to get a higher allocation in the total farming pool. So you will be able to farm more tokens (up to 2X) while staking the same amount of HAI.

Oversubscribed DDOS tokens distribution

Farming starts right after the disBalancer IDO. Thus, all oversubscribed tokens will be automatically credited to the Farming smart contracts of all users who participated in the disBalancer HAI round: 50% for disBalancer and 50% for HAPI farming. All Hacken Club Farming Boosters will be applied. You will be able to withdraw HAI from farming whenever you want but once in 24 hours, only the VeChain transaction fee will be applied.

If you don’t want to participate in farming automatically, please fill in the form below and we will credit oversubscribed HAI directly to your wallet: https://forms.gle/SSJBHUZHbCLvu3r78. The form will be available till April 14, 2 pm UTC.

Important: the first people who participate in farming will receive the higher yield on farmed tokens, because of the small initial farming pool. That’s why we highly recommend you not to skip this option.

About HAPI

HAPI is a set of cross-chain smart contracts that boost security of DeFI products. HAPI allows both centralized and decentralized exchanges to avoid being involved in money laundering activities performed by malicious actors. When exchanges are connected to HAPI, they automatically protect their users from the projects that have not passed security audits. HAPI is a new standard for the blockchain industry.

About disBalancer

disBalancer is a decentralized system that makes businesses resistant to DDoS attacks while enabling users to get tokens for renting out the unused computing power and bandwidth of their devices. The solution distributes unusual or malicious traffic directed to customers’ websites among the network of nodes. As a result, customers’ servers are not overwhelmed and users get tokens when malicious traffic comes through their nodes.

About Hacken Foundation

Hacken Foundation is the marketplace where cybersecurity companies and individual specialists can offer their B2B or B2C solutions to the public upon being approved by Hacken experts. HAI token empowers the Hacken Foundation ecosystem by facilitating interactions between parties. The Hacken Foundation members benefit from using HAI by enjoying lower fees and getting special discounts. Hacken Foundation is going to become like Amazon in its respective niche.


How often can I send or withdraw HAI for Farming?

Every 24 hours.

Can I withdraw a part of my tokens for Farming?

Yes, you can deposit or withdraw any amount. For example, if you have 10,000 HAI staked on HAPI farming, then you can withdraw 5,000 HAI and keep the other 5,000 HAI working on farming.

Is there any termination fee?

No, you can withdraw or deposit HAI for staking on demand. Only the VeChain transaction fee is applied.

Can I farm with the tokens locked on Hacken Club Membership?

No, Hacken Club Membership gives you farming boosters. You can’t farm with locked tokens.

Can I farm with the tokens locked on Token Swaps?

No, you need to wait for the unlock. You can’t farm with locked tokens.

When are farmed tokens credited to my ETH address?

Once a month. The next payout date will appear in the HackenAI App.

Where are farmed tokens credited?

Farmed tokens are credited to your similar address on the ETH network. Please see the following instruction: https://hackenclub.medium.com/the-first-round-exclusive-for-hai-holders-token-distribution-details-df097aff168a

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